Lock and Key: How a Locksmith Protects Your Home

Hi! My name is Ben. When I moved into a new property in East Perth, I was worried about the state of the locks and the overall security of my new home. The wooden doors and window frames were flimsy and the locks were old. It didn't take much force to open the window or door without a key. I called my friend who is a locksmith, and he came around to examine the house. He recommended that I have new metal doors and window frames installed along with new high-security locks. I can now sleep easy at night, knowing that my home is protected. Since talking with my friend, I have developed an interest in home security, so I decided to start this blog.

A Rundown on Problems That Automotive Locksmiths Tackle


Your car locks and keys are vital features of the vehicle's safety system. They allow you easy access to your car and keep thieves and burglars at bay when they are working well. When they develop issues, you'll need to call a locksmith for assistance.

Car locksmiths, also referred to as vehicle locksmiths or automotive locksmiths, play an integral part in ensuring the safety of your vehicle. These locksmiths work on cars rather than inside buildings. 

Generally speaking, you'll need to call an auto locksmith when you can't get into or lock your car. Here are some common problems that car locksmiths handle every day.

Keys locked in the car

One of the common causes of car lockouts is when you forget the keys in the car. If you have a spare set of keys ready, you shouldn't have problems unlocking the vehicle to get your original keys back. 

If you don't have spare keys ready, your only option is to call a locksmith to have your locks picked.

Lost car keys

Another reason you experience a car lockout is if you lose the keys while you are out. Unfortunately, your brainpower alone may not be enough to find lost keys. But if you installed a tracker (called a key finder) on the keys, you can locate them if they are within range.

If you can't find your lost keys, consider getting your locks changed or reprogrammed as you get new keys. If someone finds your old keys, they can use them to access your car.

Worn-out locks

Like several other components of your car, locks experience wear and tear from regular use. As a result, they will, at some point, stop working well, creating the need for lock replacement. If your car locks start to show signs of aging, replace them before they lead to a real emergency.

Broken car keys

Your car keys can snap inside the ignition or locks, especially when they become old and excessive force is applied when starting, locking or unlocking the vehicle. The proper removal of a broken key is necessary to avoid damage to your auto ignition or locking mechanism. You will need a key replacement after removing the broken one successfully.

Modern auto locksmiths run the gamut of services, including key replacement, rekeying and lock changes. Contact an automotive locksmith today to learn more about what they can do for you.


23 May 2022