Lock and Key: How a Locksmith Protects Your Home

Hi! My name is Ben. When I moved into a new property in East Perth, I was worried about the state of the locks and the overall security of my new home. The wooden doors and window frames were flimsy and the locks were old. It didn't take much force to open the window or door without a key. I called my friend who is a locksmith, and he came around to examine the house. He recommended that I have new metal doors and window frames installed along with new high-security locks. I can now sleep easy at night, knowing that my home is protected. Since talking with my friend, I have developed an interest in home security, so I decided to start this blog.

Simple Ways You Can Make Your Home More Secure


Worrying about protecting your home from intruders is natural. The good news is that there are several simple things you can do to reduce the risk of a break-in. By adding a few security features and developing some good home safety habits, you can help keep your home protected. 

Deter opportunists

Many burglaries occur when a thief spots an easy way to enter a home. Hidden spare keys, whether under a doormat or in a key holder, are a serious security vulnerability; these common hiding places that make them easy for homeowners to remember also make it easy for would-be intruders to find. Instead of hiding a key outside, have copies of your keys made and give them to trusted friends or neighbours. Getting in when you're locked out may take a little longer using this method, but it's much safer.

Improve visibility

A burglar who has to force a door will try to do it out of sight, so make sure that the most vulnerable access points to your home are also the most visible. Trim back obscuring foliage and make sure these areas are well-lit. Most locksmiths also carry and install motion-sensitive lights, which will come on when they detect someone moving near a sensor. Lights like these can help stop break-ins before they even begin. Another way to discourage intruders is to install a security camera or video doorbell, which will record people who come to the door. 

Strengthen your doors

Some small improvements to your doors can go a long way toward reducing the risk of an intruder forcing their way in. Adding a deadbolt to your door makes it much more difficult to force; another simple upgrade is to install a floor lock or bar. Properly installed, this device allows you to open the door enough to look out, but prevents it being completely opened until you disengage the lock. Even more importantly, you should make sure that your home's existing doors are in good condition. Older locks, hinges or other fittings can make even a door that appears perfectly safe more vulnerable. Consult with a locksmith to see if any of your door's fittings need to be replaced. 

Because many burglaries are opportunistic, even small security features like these can mean big improvements to your home's safety. By improving visibility, eliminating vulnerabilities, and strengthening your access points, you'll be able to keep your home and its contents safer at a minimum of effort and expense. 


21 January 2021