Lock and Key: How a Locksmith Protects Your Home

Hi! My name is Ben. When I moved into a new property in East Perth, I was worried about the state of the locks and the overall security of my new home. The wooden doors and window frames were flimsy and the locks were old. It didn't take much force to open the window or door without a key. I called my friend who is a locksmith, and he came around to examine the house. He recommended that I have new metal doors and window frames installed along with new high-security locks. I can now sleep easy at night, knowing that my home is protected. Since talking with my friend, I have developed an interest in home security, so I decided to start this blog.

How to Diagnose Problems With Your Car's Ignition Key


Most people understand that, from time to time, mechanical issues will arise on their car. For example, they may not be able to start their vehicle in the morning due to a range of problems, such as a flat battery, jammed starter motor, broken fuel pump or worn belt. However, they may not expect an issue to be related to the ignition key itself, but sometimes this can happen and can leave them stranded by the side of the road. If you come across this issue, what should you do?

Making the Connection

Your car's ignition key is, for all intents and purposes, identical in nature to your front door key. It is designed to mate with the wafers that are found within the barrel, to form a connection that, in this case, sends the appropriate energy to the starter solenoid. A number of issues can nonetheless arise that have nothing to do with any of the car's mechanical components, but everything to do with the key and its receptacle.

Worn Wafers

For example, if the vehicle is rather old you may find that the wafers have worn out, or they may have been compromised due to a certain amount of dirt or grime. Each time that you introduce the key, some contamination may be attached, and with time, this can build up. If the issue is due to some contamination, then you may find that you can fix it by carefully spraying a touch of cleaning agent into the barrel.

Loading Problems

You may find that the key will not turn after you have inserted it into the switch, and this may be due to an excessive loading on the front tyres. They may be inadvertently rubbing up against a kerb, and this may not allow you to break the bind on the ignition switch in order to activate the circuit.

Key Issues

Alternatively, the key itself may be worn out and may be unable to make the right connection with the wafers inside the barrel. This can also happen if the vehicle is rather old and you are still using the initial set of keys. If you have a spare ignition key somewhere, then try that instead, but if not, you can get in touch with a professional automotive locksmith. You will need to give them the appropriate code so that they can make you a new key, and this is typically contained within the owner's manual.

Further Action

If you're still scratching your head and unable to get anywhere, get in touch with an automotive locksmith for their advice.


22 October 2019